Time for some improvements …

From time to time, one needs to reflect on accomplishments and identify areas of improvement. At CodeNeighbor, with much feedback, new features have been added while earlier ones were temporarily paused for much needed updates.
The challenge of any app is to ensure that the look and feel is great regardless of device, that being a MacBook Air 13″ or a desktop with a 32″ monitor … ensuring parity of visual quality takes time. When CodeNeighbor was initially developed, smaller screen sizes were not initially considered a priority as producing the features people want and have asked for was the priority.
The earlier UI allowed for a wider array of component designs and landscape acreage which did not reflect well on smaller screens. With this release (2.831), this has been corrected as well as some small improvements in performance and a bug fix or two. We hope this new look and feel works well for you and as always, we welcome feedback on any aspect of CodeNeighbor as well as suggestions for new features.
Thanks again for being a CodeNeighbor neighbor and stay tuned for some exciting new capabilities this quarter !
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